By Hook or by Crook

March 12, 2017 13:38 0 Download iTunes Android

A scavenging serf, a burglarious bishop, or an Irish invasion? Join us as we attempt to unravel another etymology by hook or by crook.


The Devil to Pay

February 26, 2017 16:05 0 Download iTunes Android

A treacherous task, a dubious deal, or a Norse code? Suffer with us on our journey into the underworld, as we seek the devil (to pay).


idiOMG - Out on the Porch

January 29, 2017 14:39 0 Download iTunes Android

Ali Bavarian returns to the show and joins us for a rousing game of idiOMG.


Minced Oaths

January 22, 2017 22:46 0 Download iTunes Android

As a post hoc Christmas celebration and in honor of our own resurrection as a podcast, we discuss a multitude of expressions and exclamations used as euphemisms for Jesus Christ.


Message in a Poddle

January 15, 2017 04:22 0 Download iTunes Android

An exciting christmas trip, an epic new video game, or a dramatic increase in real-world responsibilities? Join us as we discuss the origins of our unannounced holiday hiatus and what to expect in the near future.


Off the Cuff

November 21, 2016 13:11 0 Download iTunes Android

A wild west ledger, an industrial convenience, or a spontaneous magician? Musical guest Ali Bavarian provides some melodic accompaniment as we attempt to uncover the origin of the expression "off the cuff."


Bob's Your Uncle

November 13, 2016 23:11 0 Download iTunes Android

An abbreviated nepotist, a criminal's kin, or a Scottish Musical? Download this episode, Bob's your uncle... your life is now complete.



October 30, 2016 16:19 0 Download iTunes Android

If you like baseball - but wish the rules were more confusing and clearly made up on the spot - then this episode is a home run. If you actually hope to learn anything about idiom etymology, this one's probably a swing and a miss.


Under Your Hat

October 23, 2016 13:57 0 Download iTunes Android

A presidential put-down, a British bowman, or a cerebral secret? Put on your thinking cap as we discuss the origins of the expression "keep it under your hat."


Worth His Salt

October 16, 2016 15:47 3 Download iTunes Android

A perspiring peasant, a salty serf, or a savory currency? Join us as we discuss the etymology of the phrase "worth his salt." Or don't, and suffer through some other bland, flavorless podcast instead.


idiOMG (Version 2.0)

October 09, 2016 12:01 0 Download iTunes Android

Jamie introduces an updated and renovated iteration of the old Idiom Savant classic, idiOMG. We don't want to give too much away but it's definitely funny auto focus.


Raining Cats and Dogs

October 02, 2016 11:12 0 Download iTunes Android

Dirt poor critters, furry yachts, or beasts of Scandinavian gods? Grab an umbrella and join us as we discuss the origin of the expression "raining cats and dogs."


Prime Meridiom

September 18, 2016 15:46 0 Download iTunes Android

We attempt yet another idiom game. This one revolves around expressions from other countries and languages and by the end of the episode it becomes abundantly clear that we slid in on a shrimp sandwich.


Cold Shoulder

September 11, 2016 10:18 0 Download iTunes Android

A frigid maiden, an unwelcome visitor, or a curt countess? Join us as we explore the etymology of the expression "cold shoulder."



September 04, 2016 15:31 0 Download iTunes Android

Jamie tries out a new acronym based idiom game (ABIG) that Producer Shadi does his best to ruin. Download ASAP and prepare to LOL.


Break a Leg

August 21, 2016 13:34 0 Download iTunes Android

A dramatic assassin, a kneeling thespian, or an overworked rustler? Join us as we explore the etymology of the expression "break a leg."


Dead Ringer

August 14, 2016 16:21 0 Download iTunes Android

This episode is a dead ringer for a funny, educational, and interesting podcast. It contains none of those positive attributes but it sure looks like it would.


On the Wagon

August 07, 2016 11:24 0 Download iTunes Android

If you are abstaining from listening to podcasts this episode would be a good time to fall off the wagon.


Red Herring

July 31, 2016 15:06 0 Download iTunes Android

Is the title of our inaugural episode a reference to the idiom that we actually discuss, or simply a red herring?